The Best Vitamins for Healthy Growing Kids

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It is important that children have a healthy and balanced diet. This means ensuring that they get the right balance of vitamins and nutrients into their system. Now, while it is important that they get all of the key vitamins, there are some that are far more important than others. Here, we want to take a look at the best vitamins for kids. The ones that are going to have the biggest impact on a growing child.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is important for your child in many ways. It can help with:

  • Ensuring that their eyesight is up to par
  • Boosting the health of the skin
  • Helping them to grow, both physically and mentally.
  • Boosting the immune system. In fact, Vitamin A will play a key role in the initial development of an immune system. 

Vitamin B

There are actually several different B vitamins. All of them are important. All of them will have a slightly different impact on the system of a growing child:

  • Vitamin B1 will help with the development of the nervous system. It will also help with muscle growth and development.
  • Vitamin B2 will help to release energy from the foods that the child consumes. 
  • Vitamin B3 performs the same role as Vitamin B2. This means help with releasing energy from foods. This can help with healthy growth as it will allow the body to use all the resources that it has available.
  • Vitamin B6 is important. It plays a role in allowing your child to release energy from protein, which is important for several growth functions throughout the system. It also helps with blood production and the healthy development of the brain.
  • Vitamin B12 also helps with blood production, and it also helps the child to grow healthy.

These vitamins can all be introduced into a child's diet from a variety of sources, particularly nuts. However, the quickest way to get these vitamins into the body, and ensuring that your child has a healthy balance of them, is using multivitamin supplements.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C has a huge role in several functions in the body.

For starters, it can help with collagen production. This is a protein that forms a major building block of most parts of the body. In fact, around 33% of the body utilizes collagen in some way.

Vitamin C is important for absorbing iron from foods.

Vitamin C helps to strengthen the immune system. This is why, if somebody is sick, they are encouraged to get some extra Vitamin C into their body. It works wonders at helping to keep infection at bay.

Finally, Vitamin C will ensure that teeth, bones, and gums stay healthy.

Vitamin D

This is one of the vitamins that many children may not need to supplement for. If you are out in the sunlight, your body will naturally produce Vitamin D. However, many products aimed at children have been fortified with Vitamin D 'just in case'.

Vitamin D helps the body to absorb calcium.

Vitamin E

This is for the health of your child's eyes and skin.

Vitamin K

Vitamin K is another vitamin that most children will produce naturally, but not all. Vitamin K is going to allow your child's blood to clot properly. This is important if your child is quite active. You need wounds to quickly heal.


The last essential vitamin is folate. This is vital for the body to absorb protein. It is also important in the creation of new blood cells and DNA. 

As you can see, there are a lot of different vitamins that your child needs to be getting into their diet. You should make things easier for yourself by either planning your child's diet perfectly or using a multivitamin supplement to ensure that your child gets everything that they need.

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